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We are adding the "doi" (document object identification) number for each article where it exists. Selecting, copying, and pasting the "https://doi.org/..." reference into your browser will find places where the article exists on the web, whether or not you have access to the text.

Using search terms: book 200
List of journal abbreviations: revues.txt
Books in collections: 290 books
Enter terms to search for, including, eg:
. = a single character,
.*= any number of letters,
[xy] = either x or y (eg, 'Peri[ck]es').

To include pre-1992 articles and/or articles in collections, check boxes below.
Greek is transliterated (use o for omega and omicron, etc), as are accented letters (use e for é, etc) except in collections.
To search the book collection references, not the articles, put the one word 'Book' in the Jrl/Book field; unicode search terms may work (eg, 'siècles').
For abbreviations used for journals see the file revues.txt.

Author: and

Article title: and

Jrl/Book: Year:

Include articles pre-1992
Include articles in book collections

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