[TOCS-IN logo]

Tables of Contents of Journals of Interest to Classicists

Contributors to the project have sent in TOCS from Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, England, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, the Netherlands, Scotland, South Africa, South America, Spain, Turkey, and the US. Volunteers, past and present, include:

Contributors to TOCS-IN

Phoebe Acheson		Mike Grieneisen		Julie Nishimura-Jensen
Janice Adlington	John Gruber-Miller	Eric Parks
Salvador Agulla		Debra Hamel		Richard Pennell
Beatrice Bakhouche	Jean-Marie Hannick	Oliver Phillips
David Banta		Joanne Heffelfinger	Sarah Pothecary
Lindsay-Erin Beatty	Michael Hendry		Jacques Poucet
Tim Beck		Laval Hunsucker		Frances Pownall
Ian Begg		Eleanor Irwin		Dora Pozzi
Ralf Behrwald		Janet Johnson		Jonathan Price
Jose A. Berenguer	Robert Kaster		Jennifer Quick
Victor Bers		Nigel Kennell		Eric Rebillard
John-Gabriel Bodard	Konrad Kinzl		Naomi Rebis
Anne-Marie Boxus	Bernard Knapp		Andrew Riggsby
Harwin Brandt		Virginia Knight		Brett Robbins
Ruth Breindel		Joern Kobes		Lisa Roberts
MaryJaye Bruce		Peter Kuniholm		Linda Jones Roccos
John Buffone		Margaret Lantry		Katherine Rose
Robert Cape		Don Lateiner		David Sansone
William Carey		Kathryn Lomas		David Schaps
Rachel Chapin-Paolone	J. Bert Lott		Judith Schutz
Ryan Cooper		Henning Luehken		Graham Shipley
Tony Corbeill		David MacDonald		Sylvia Simms
Claire Davenport	Meghan Macdonald	Christopher Simpson
Hannah Dingwall		Roger Macfarlane	Daniela Speranza
Curtis Dozier		Camilla MacKay		Angela Suarez
Darja Drozdova		Martha Malamud		David Sullivan
Girolamo De Simone	Philippa Matheson	Mark Sutcliffe
Julian Deahl		Michael May		Kate Symonds
Michael Decker		Peter C. May		Johan Thom
Bill Dominik		Tom McGinn		Clement Tremblay
Douglas Domingo-Foraste Alain Meurant		Cindi Tysick
C. Ehrhardt		Deborah Millier		Lyudmil Vagalinski
Tom Elliott		Alice Milner		Jane Waldbaum
Andrew Erskine		Robin Mitchell		Louise Wallace
Paul Figueroa		Jenny Monaghan		Jean S. Wellington
Lisa Foggo		Santiago Montero	Graham Whitaker
Marie-Laure Freyburger	Bob Morstein-Marx	Susan Willetts
Ioannis Georganas	Michael Muchow		Kathryn Williams
Joaquin Gomez-Pantoja	Georg Nightingale	Mark Williams
Alain Gowing		Steve Nimis		Susan Wimler
Luca Graverini
We are also grateful to John Price-Wilkin and Jeff Herrin both [formerly] of the University of Virginia, Gordon Nixon from the University of Toronto, and the Seminar für Klassische Philologie at Göttingen, for assistance with many facets of the project.

See also
inform.html for information on the journals covered.
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